Retired Senior Volunteer Program Frequently Asked Questions | MAG

Retired Senior Volunteer Program Frequently Asked Questions

For Host Agencies (known as Volunteer Stations):

RSVP volunteers bring a lifetime of experience. Find out how RSVP can help you plan, train, and recruit for successful volunteer placements that strengthen your organization and help you achieve your mission.

For volunteers: 

We offer a wide range of volunteer assignments throughout Utah, Summit and Wasatch counties. Get started by exploring some of our current volunteer opportunities.

What is RSVP?

The Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) is one of the largest volunteer networks in the nation for people 55 and older. You can use the skills and talents you've learned over the years, or develop new ones while serving in a variety of volunteer activities within your community. RSVP volunteers choose how, where, and how often they want to serve, with commitments from a few hours to 20 hours per week.

What are the requirements to join RSVP?

Age eligible individuals wishing to volunteer through RSVP must complete an online MAG Volunteer Application Form and an interview, and pass a background check successfully. 

What are the benefits of joining RSVP?

Besides the satisfaction of knowing you are making a difference in your community, there are a few perks to becoming a member of RSVP.
- Free liability insurance and mileage reimbursement effective while you are traveling to and from or participating in RSVP sponsored activities.
- Volunteer Recognition Events

Is there a charge to join RSVP?

No, there is no charge for membership into RSVP.

Do I need to live in Summit, Utah or Wasatch County to volunteer in those counties?

No, you can live outside of any of the counties, but you are required to conduct your volunteer work within one of them.

How does RSVP choose available volunteer opportunities?

RSVP means results. Your time is valuable, and we maximize every minute. Our program focuses on making a tangible difference in Utah, Summit, and Wasatch Counties. National performance measures guide our efforts and ensure your work contributes to real, lasting change in our communities. RSVP monitors and tracks the effect of your service. We analyze the impact your service has made then share that information with stakeholders. Awareness around issues is enhanced by showing the impact and results of volunteer services addressing unmet needs in communities. Awareness of issues translates to educating those in positions to provide funding and supplemental services towards those needs. Sharing the volunteer service stories aids the community in multiple ways.

I don't know what type of volunteer work I'd like to do. Can RSVP help me figure it out?

Yes! A member of the RSVP staff will discuss the volunteer opportunities available and answer any questions you may have about each potential assignment. Additionally, all opportunities will provide training. The length and nature of the training will depend on the position’s requirements.

I had a rewarding career and would like to continue using my skills to help others. Is there a place for me to do that with RSVP?

Probably! During your discussion with an RSVP staff member, we can look at ways to incorporate your skills and talents into the program’s current available positions or discuss new ways RSVP can help you put those talents to good use!

I don't want to do the same thing I did in my career. Or, I never had a professional career. Can I try something new without a background in that area?

Of course! RSVP strongly believes in finding a volunteer role that suits what you want. Volunteering can be a great way to discover new skills and interests that you never knew you had.

Article Tags: rsvp, volunteer